Smoke levels can quickly rise and fall depending on weather factors, such as wind direction and how much smoke the wildfire produces. Therefore, people must be observant of the air quality during wildfire season.
Wildfire smoke is a complex mixture of air pollutants that are harmful to human health. Exposure to air pollutants in wildfire smoke can irritate the lungs, cause inflammation, alter immune function, exacerbate chronic lung and lung disease, and increase susceptibility to respiratory infections.
The particulate matter (also called “PM”) in wildfire smoke poses the biggest risk to the public’s health. Particles larger than 10 micrometers usually irritate only the eyes, nose, and throat. Fine particles 2.5 micrometers or smaller (PM2.5) can be inhaled into the deepest part of the lungs and even enter the bloodstream.
Populations known to be vulnerable to wildfire smoke exposures include:
During a wildfire smoke event, Jackson County Public Health Officials advise people to take the following precautions:
If you must be outdoors when air quality is poor, wearing a special mask called a “particulate respirator” can also help protect your lungs from wildfire smoke. You will want to choose a mask called a “particulate respirator” that has the word “NIOSH” and either “N95” or “P100” printed on it. Masks that are not NIOSH-certified may not offer protection from small particulate matter, even if properly worn.
Many people will find it challenging to use particulate respirators. It is important to make sure the respirator fits properly, and that air does not leak around the sides. It is impossible to get a good seal on individuals with facial hair. If it does not fit properly, the respirator will not provide good protection and may offer the wearer a false sense of protection. Review the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s directions on how to properly wear a particulate respirator.
Particulate respirators can make breathing more difficult and increase breathing and heart rate. They can also contribute to heat stress. Because of this, particulate respirators used by those with heart and respiratory diseases should be done under a doctor’s supervision. Even healthy adults may find that the increased effort required for breathing makes it uncomfortable to wear a respirator for more than short periods.
Check DEQ’s Air Quality Index (AQI) to see real-time air monitoring data from monitors placed around Oregon https://oraqi.deq.state.or.us/home/map. DEQ also has a mobile app for the AQI, search for OregonAir in your app store. Keep in mind that monitoring locations are limited, pollution levels may be higher in some areas, and wildfire smoke levels can rise and fall rapidly. Use the Oregon Smoke Information Blog, oregonsmoke.org, for updated air quality advisories, wildfire smoke forecasts, and other information.
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