Father’s Day Gift Guide: The Most Stylish Outdoor Gear For Dads This Summer

2022-06-10 23:07:23 By : Mr. Maurice Deng

The Clarks Wallabee Multi-Color - $200

Father’s Day is fast approaching, and it will be tough to consider what fathers would love and enjoy as a gift of gratitude for their service this summer. On June 19, surprise your father with some outdoor activity and get them outside for fun activities or just soaking up daylight and getting in those steps. Give dad a nudge into a healthy lifestyle and destress from sitting in front of a screen all day.

Dads are cooped up long enough, avoiding the elements and resisting movement. This time of year is for them to get outside. Dads need some items to inspire them to get out of those home office chairs. Get them back into the real world for some extra circular activity, even a stroll. Many pieces of clothing may persuade the father figure in your life. But you can consider some more intriguing accessories also.

Keeping within budget should be no problem when impressing the man of the house. He will appreciate the effort and consideration for his confidence, appearance, and mental wellness, encouraging a day in the wild. Here is a list of selected items that can help you present the idea of physical activity and, as all dads love, practical wear for a purposeful living - presumably.

Atmos X On Cloudnova - $170

Atmos X On Cloudnova - $170

On has been on the rise as a running shoe, but, no need to tempt dad with actual running. The ATMOS x CLOUDNOVA collaboration is a stylish and functional shoe for optimal walking. And these pairs offer a unique design highlighting the On running shoe silhouette. With the CloudTec® cushion midsole, comfort, shape, and a signature Speed-lace system are inhibitors of ease in movement and practicality in a shoe for all types of terrain. This gift is sure to pique the interest of the dad who loves sneakers and footwear in general.

The Lee X Hundreds collaboration Denim Jacket - $159

The Lee X Hundreds collaboration Denim Jacket - $159

The Lee X Hundreds collaboration comes in classic denim looks with floral flare, just enough to not overwhelm a dad with style. Don't hesitate to purchase your father a cool new denim jacket to throw over a t-shirt on those breezy summer nights out. Lee has had over a century of denim production under their belt and can guarantee quality in their clothing, and The Hundreds has had over a decade of streetwear prowess cultivating the streetwear fashion scene we know today.

BYLT Premium Basics - Drop-Cut: LUX - $28.99

When it comes to basics, Dad is the true role model. Every father appreciates a clean t-shirt that fits well every time they put it on. Deserving only the best, he’ll need to look no further than the premium basics of BYLT. Easy to style and extremely durable, these tees are anything but an average basic. Made with incredible detail, a tailored fit, signature “Drop-Cut” hemline, and fabrics developed with comfort and quality in mind. A tee that’s crafted for go-getters, build dad up with a new take on timeless looks and classic styles.

Marshall: Willen and the Emberton II Portable Speakers - $119.99 - $169.99

Marshall: Willen and the Emberton II Portable Speakers - $119.99 - $169.99

If your father is a music aficionado, you should consider getting him a portable speaker. The two new speakers from Marshall headphones, Willen and the Emberton II are great options for the 'radio-head' dad, one that loves his music as much as he loves his family. Take it to the beach, the park, or the backyard, and this speaker will hold up with its deep sound, IP67 dust and water resistance, and 15 to 30 hours of battery life.

Made of Alpaca wool, 100% of which comes from a sustainable ranch up in the Ecuadorian Andes mountains, the Juntos AlpaKnit Slip-On shoes are an ethical pair of simple shoes that alleviate the act of wearing laces. For the conscious dad, these pairs are made with a coconut and sugarcane insole and midsole and designed to be breathable shoes for warm or cool times of the day.

The Clarks Wallabee Multi-Color - $200

Clarks have had a reputation among footwear connoisseurs for decades, finding its way into pop culture through music. But the main thing about the Clarks Wallabee is its ease and comfort in wearing as you traverse inner-city streets. These are the ultimate “Cool-Dad” shoe with new designs and colors in the Wallabee Boot in Multicolor and the Wallabee in Pale. Your father will appreciate your appreciation for a classic and its style. If dad is a purest, he will love to watch the newly released feature documentary: Clarks & New York: Soles Of The City, which you can watch with him and bond over the iconic shoe.

For the sensitive sneaker dad, throw an extra pair of footwear into the gift bag. Only this particular footwear will protect dad’s favorite sneaker from random summer rain. Lightweight, foldable, and portable, Crep Protect has introduced a sneaker SKIN that will keep your latest pair of collaboration exclusives or vintage tennis shoes safe from water, staining, and marks when wearing these 100% rubber sneaker covering. SKIN comes in sizes medium, large, and extra-large, to fit the varying footwear sizes, and is reusable for optimal efficiency of the product. Dad will recognize a bit of him in you with the thoughtful gift of Crep Protect SKINs.

Vilebrequin x Palm Angels Swim Trunks - $205 - $375

Vilebrequin x Palm Angels Swim Trunks - $205 - $375

With a new collaboration between the Vilebrequin swimwear label and Palm Angels streetwear brand, Vilebrequin has launched five new prints for men's swim trunks. A poolside flex, these will keep your dad ahead of the hypebeast with leisure-friendly exclusives and used as intended - to swim.

Vilebrequin x Palm Angels Swim Trunks - $205 - $375

These swim trunks are quick-drying and have supple stretch fabric for more support and range in motion.

Colmar Multi-Use Backpack-Beach Towel - $105

Colmar Multi-Use Backpack-Beach Towel - $105

Colmar is known for its sportswear, historically for its influence as an innovative sartorial ski-wear design. Colmar became popularized during the 60s and 70s, half a century after its launch in 1923. Although summer approaches, Colmar offers gear for the warmers months. A father would find the Colmar Backpack Beach Towel a more practical gift idea.

Colmar Multi-Use Backpack-Beach Towel - $105

The 100% cotton, terry cloth towel sprawls out into a full-size blanketed beach towel and converts into a bag when it's time to pack it for the day at the beach.

Radda Golf Scenario Polo - Sand - $95

Radda Golf Scenario Polo - Sand - $95

Radda Golf is co-founded by Jason Fields, a former high school golf athlete, is diversifying the style and aesthetic of golfers and moving away from the elitist country club vibe. Fields took to design in college and formed the Radda Golf name after denouncing a love for golf after high school, then working for fashion brands in the interim. The brand offers cool polo shirts for dad to stand out on the green. The camp collar Scenario Polo in Sand color, is perfect for dad to stand out from the other golfers, giving him an edge.

Timex - Waterbury Ocean Collection - $99

Timex - Waterbury Ocean Collection - $99

Timex has launched a new timepiece available on June 8, 2022, World Ocean Day. The Waterbury Ocean Collection is an upcycled watch constructed of ocean-bound plastic remedying pollution. This Timex watch is a conscious gift that Dad is more than familiar with and would appreciate. Practicality is the ethos of watch-wearing, but the colors on these World Ocean Day exclusive designs go beyond the subtle mentions and have your dad dive into the Swiss-made #tide® ocean material watch and how it is helping our climate for the better.

Teva x IGLOO: Sandals & Playmate Cooler - $55 - $80

Teva x IGLOO collaboration - $55 - $80

Teva is an outdoor footwear brand specializing in sandals. Perfect for the beach or hiking, Teva has collaborated with Igloo coolers for a dual gift for dad that he will find a good use for, more so than the other gifts.

Teva x IGLOO collaboration - $55 - $80

The new Teva ECOCOOL® Little Playmate Cooler is made from post-consumer recycled resin and comes with a REPREVE® strap made from recycled plastic bottles. Along with the Teva x Igloo Hurricane XLT2 sandals, the Teva x IGLOO collaboration is available Wednesday, June 8.

Metalwood x GLCO MP 14 Sunglasses - $265

Metalwood x GLCO MP 14 Sunglasses - $265

Garrett Leight California Optical has just launched a new collaboration with streetwear brand Metalwood. Metalwood brings 90s flare to the beach scene with the sporty/speed style frames in yellow and red-tinted glasses, designed alongside optical expert framers, Garrett Leight California Optical. Dad will feel nostalgic in a pair of these fiery frames and have the whole summer to indulge in the reflection of the lenses.