Clear to partly cloudy. Low 58F. Winds light and variable..
Clear to partly cloudy. Low 58F. Winds light and variable.
Clear to partly cloudy. Low 58F. Winds light and variable..
Clear to partly cloudy. Low 58F. Winds light and variable.
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HUNTINGTON — Artist Rong Wang invites the community to her debut art exhibition from noon to 5 p.m. Friday, Sept. 16, at Heritage Station in Huntington.
Rong Wang is an internationally trained artist who’s well known in Asia. She has received awards for her artwork, including the best in show watercolor honor in the 2016 Asia Pacific Art Show.
“The Beauty in the Mist Collection” was inspired from a trip to West Virginia. While driving through the hills and forests, she saw incredible images through the morning and evening mists. After stopping to see such beauty, she felt as if she was part of a beautiful painting. She decided to use watercolor to record these scenes.
Many of these scenes feature the same area, but different lighting and different moods make each a unique experience.
Rong has recently moved to West Virginia to fully experience the energy and beauty that exists in the state.
The event is free and will conclude with a gift drawing.
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