Every once in a while, we get a call from someone with an offer “we can’t refuse”.
This time the phone call came from the Chamber of Commerce. As the Chamber will soon be moving to another location, Keitha Robson, the chief administrative officer, graciously offered me the chance to look through their archives and take what I wanted for our collection.
Being the history geek that I am and knowing the involvement the Chamber has had in our community over the past many years, it is no wonder I jumped at the chance. And while I had just a short time to scan through the filing cabinets, I was able to take away a few very interesting pieces that will help us better understand our community.
From the opening of the airport (a great film, by the way) to the opening of Highway 144, the Chamber archives had a number of goodies we could not pass up!
The best piece I found was filed away under “P” and entitled “Porcupine Area EMO Mine Shelter Survey Report” which turned out to be an eye-opener for me.
Admittedly, upon first glance, I was under the impression this report had something to do with mine rescue and shelters underground after an accident. Upon reading the first sentence of the report however, my muddled thinking was quickly corrected.
“Pursuant to the general wishes of the councils taking part in the Exercise Tocsin 1961 at 7 p.m. on May 5th, 1961, the co-ordinator of the Porcupine Emergency Measures Organization has undertaken a study into the logistical and theoretical points of view concerning the use of underground mine workings as radiation fallout shelters for residents of the Porcupine and for the 50,000 evacuees which could be expected here in the event of a nuclear attack on Sault Ste. Marie, Sudbury, North Bay, Toronto and other southern Ontario centres.”
I grew up during the Cold War – I studied it in university (political science with an “East/West” specialty). For those of you born after 1991, I dare say you were spared that particular gnawing fear of an all-encompassing nuclear war. The Cold War was an ongoing geopolitical rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union (and their respective allies) with a heavy focus on the arms race and the threat of nuclear annihilation.
However, most of the struggle for world dominance (that sounds so very James Bond) was fought through proxy wars (think Korean War, 1950-53), propaganda campaigns (both sides engaged in this), espionage (Gouzenko affair) and of course the space race. It is against the backdrop of this all-permeating angst that the proposal to use our mines as shelter during a nuclear attack was put forward.
The report was divided into 13 sections that dealt with things like traffic, parking, accommodation, medical, policing and morale.
The mines were grouped into seven specific areas. Residents were assigned an area that they were to go to in the event of an attack. Once the sirens went off, all traffic became one-way; patterns were set up and sounded something like this: “traffic from Mountjoy must head in a single line through Timmins, up Algonquin to predesignated shelter sites in the approximate area of the Hollinger Ball Park. All residents in the north side of Timmins, that is north of Algonquin Blvd., must use the second lane of Algonquin Boulevard and travel to a predesignated site in the approximate area of the McIntyre Ball Park.”
The report recommended that no public transportation be offered as this would only slow things down and would require too much logistical planning – but with all the private cars heading towards their designated shelter, parking and turn-around facilities were a new problem that needed to be faced. Parking had to be close to the shelter as people could not waste valuable time walking from their cars to the shelter.
Attendants would have to help people park properly as space and time was of the essence. The fire department would also be on hand to hose off the cars, removing any radioactive residue (and supposedly making the cars safe to drive again – obviously we were not quite aware yet of what that dust could do).
Are we all feeling a bit overwhelmed yet? I am, so let’s look at the accommodations issue next. Each shelter was planned to hold 400-500 people, in a space equal to about 40 feet wide by 300 feet long.
Hospital facilities had to be included in that space as well. Bedding would be offered but because of supply issues, everyone would receive one blanket instead of two. While cement floors should be considered as well as paint for the rock or cement walls, those issues were deemed problematic. Each shelter would also have a food supply section serviced by a dedicated tunnel system so the goods could be brought in without endangering the people in the shelters. Supplies would have to be moved into the shelters quickly (within four or five hours of the blast and before fallout); stocking the underground shelter ahead of time was not feasible.
Keeping morale up in the shelter was considered an urgent issue. “There could be someone who was unstable or prone to creating and enlarging personal problems to a point where others might rebel.” It was felt that keeping families together would keep people measurably calm; “it is recommended that people who must maintain emergency services on surface during fallout have their families remain at home or in some other location which offers adequate protection” (it is at this point I would be digging my own bomb shelter).
Still on the morale front, “large numbers of people sitting doing nothing can become down-hearted and wonder what is going on up at the surface. Adequate public information would be required to maintain morale.”
After much assessment, the report concluded that “in theory, it would appear that the possibility of using mine underground workings as shelters is reasonable and that all residents of the Porcupine could be housed in the mines. It is also apparent that a great number of evacuees could be accommodated as well.” Further study was recommended and “if the Committee sees fit to approach the province and that the province agrees to a meeting between the Committee, province and mine managers and engineers, that a meeting be called as soon as possible so that the project can proceed.”
Thankfully, the plan was never used.
Karen Bachmann is the director/curator of the Timmins Museum and a writer of local history.
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