2022-08-26 22:35:17 By : Ms. Carmen Sun

Ministry of Health and Wellness staged first Climate Change Youth Forum

Ministers declare 2022 NACAC Championships in GB a success

NEMA, Local Government, host CERT Training in Cat Island

Vice Chancellor Beckles on UWI & TCI connection

Jamaican worker killed days after cry for help

Turks and Caicos Islands’ Premier and delegation discuss reform of educational sector with UWI leaders

Monkeypox lingering on household surfaces

Turks & Caicos Updates Migrant Health Policy

CDC says it missed the Mark on Covid response

UK approves Omicron booster ahead of Vaccine Drive

Vice Chancellor Beckles on UWI & TCI connection

Mitigation Efforts Implemented to Lessen Effects of Natural Disasters

Hurricanes and their effect on the Caribbean Nations

Young men on parole warn youngsters

Ministers declare 2022 NACAC Championships in GB a success

Global Capital Master’s League Is Back in Session

Turks and Caicos Islands Commonwealth Games Team Return after making history

Turks and Caicos Islands set to compete in CONCACAF U-17 Men’s Qualifiers

Vice Chancellor Beckles on UWI & TCI connection

Young men on parole warn youngsters

Turks & Caicos Updates Migrant Health Policy

Sheba Wilson’s New book

Turks & Caicos Delegation attends COP26 in Glasgow

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Watch it here!! Magnetic Media News, The News That Matters Most – Tuesday August 21 Edition

Mitigation Efforts Implemented to Lessen Effects of Natural Disasters

Hurricanes and their effect on the Caribbean Nations

Jamaican worker killed days after cry for help

Monkeypox lingering on household surfaces

CDC says it missed the Mark on Covid response

#TurksandCaicos, August 21, 2022 – His Excellency the Governor chaired the 23rd meeting of Cabinet on Wednesday 20 July 2022 at the Premier’s Office on Providenciales.

All Members were present with the exception of Hon. Robinson.


UK in Drought; conditions being monitored by EA

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#Jamaica, August 26, 2022 – Sir Hilary Beckles, Vice Chancellor of the University of the West Indies Mona Campus says the UWI is looking forward to forging an even closer collaboration with the Turks and Caicos Islands. Beckles was referring to the recently concluded talks between UWI and a Turks and Caicos Islands delegation.

“The Premier and I are in complete agreement about the importance of quality and relevant education to the region,” Beckles said.

During the visit aimed at solidifying more higher education opportunities for TCI residents, Premier Washington Misick was joined by the Minister of Education Rachel Taylor and other dignitaries.

Beckles gave deeper insight into the meeting, revealing that priority subjects had included:

The increased partnerships are not specific to UWI as the TCI is seeking out similar ones with other technical and medical universities including the University of Technology and Howard University.

#Caribbean, August 25, 2022 – With hurricanes a commonplace in the Caribbean, several countries have implemented disaster mitigation programmes to lessen the effects of the disasters.  In St. Vincent, they have built new houses with foundations supported by concrete walls and wood beams cast in concrete.

There has also been the development of wind seed maps that give insight on the correct angle to position roofs and a stricter inspection of building codes throughout the Region.

Most residential houses and structures are susceptible to hurricane damage in the Caribbean, and historically, agricultural workers in St. Kitts didn’t own their houses and most of those homes were built as small and cheaply as possible.

Construction of houses also occurred on poor soil conditions and steep slopes that increased the vulnerability to landslides and soil erosion.  Because of the poor construction and inadequate living areas, there have been numerous efforts to reduce hurricane damage.

The development of technology has aided in disaster prevention too.  Some examples are the introduction of kites and balloons to measure the insides of storms, weather reconnaissance (flying aircraft into a hurricane) and hurricane forecasting to track the path of storms.

These systems have become even more important because of the rise of population during the last inactive period from the 1970s to 1990s.  Hurricane Mitch has been cited as an indication of future disaster for the Caribbean, unless societal vulnerabilities are reduced.

The leading groups of disaster mitigation include: the Caribbean Disaster Mitigation Project 2011 (CDMP), the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response (CDERA) by CARICOM, and the University of West Indies Cyclone Resistant Housing (Caribbean) Project.

The Caribbean Disaster Mitigation Project has also been a coordinated effort to promote the adoption of natural disaster mitigation and preparedness practices by both the public and private sectors in the Caribbean region, through a series of activities carried out in recent years.

August 25, 2022 – The effect of hurricanes on Caribbean societies has a colossal impact, especially on the loss of lives, economic dislocation, and damage to infrastructures, as well as the fears of persons in disaster prone communities, when the Atlantic Hurricane Season begins.

The Season runs from June 1st until November 30th—the months during which tropical storms are most likely to form and wreak havoc on their mainly westerly course through the Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean Sea.

There are many arguments that exist as to the cause of hurricanes, such as the human affect, scientific causes, and divine reasons, as well as the argument, widely held belief by vast amount of people in the Region, that disasters occur to punish unrepentant souls.

Increasingly, to date, the human cause and effects, as well as scientific reasons are being accepted as the causes behind these disasters. Importantly, international funding agencies are providing finance for scientific research and regulations to ensure increased safety.

While the cause debate rages, there is no question that Caribbean hurricanes are one of the most frequent natural disasters that impact the Region, and a tropical cyclone with sustained one-minute winds of at least 74 miles per hour, is created when warm water hits the troposphere and high pressure pushes warm, dry air down in the center.

This occurrence is said to be particularly strong in the Caribbean due to the high amounts of humidity and warm air that produce near perfect conditions to form these hurricanes, which are measured by the Saffir-Simpson scale and the Power Dispersion Index (PDI).

In 2019, Hurricane Dorian was the strongest hurricane on record to strike the Bahamas, with one-minute sustained winds of 185 mph (298 km/h), causing $2.5 billion in damage, and at least 74 deaths.  Dorian was one of four Category 5 hurricanes to hit the Bahamas.

Notably, Hurricanes that have wreaked havoc on the Caribbean, include Hurricane Gilbert, 1988, Hurricane Sandy, 2012, Hurricane Joaquin in 2015, and most recently, Hurricane Irma in late 2017.

The experts say when a hurricane strikes the islands, the ecology is thrown out of its normal cycle, topography shifts, agriculture is set back, the economy and industry take a blow, society either unites or falls apart, infrastructure is ruined, and preventative measures must be implemented.

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Turks & Caicos using Smuggler’s boat in border protection

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