The Leading Mercury Control Systems » Babcock & Wilcox

2022-09-02 22:32:26 By : Mr. Sales Manager

A-S-H® Material and Ash Handling

B&W has been actively involved in research and development, demonstration programs and implementation of mercury control systems since the early 1990s. We can tailor a multi-faceted solution that considers many variables, such as the existing or planned emissions control system, fuel, flue gas composition, flyash characteristics, stack mercury limits and many other operational factors.

You can trust the industry leader in plant air emissions control technology to provide integrated and cost-effective mercury control solutions for your application.

By understanding the interrelationship between various technologies, as well as the co-benefits achieved with other emissions control systems, our solutions can achieve significant lifecycle cost savings.

The European BREF regulations will require all large combustion power plants to comply with stricter air emissions limits by 2022. This includes limits on mercury (Hg), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter (PM).

B&W has the proven technical experience, know-how and responsiveness to help you lower air emissions to acceptable levels. Our air emissions regulations experience along with extensive boiler design and combustion knowledge makes us uniquely qualified to consider how each environmental solution will affect performance and operation of existing power plant equipment.

We consistently demonstrate the ability to successfully execute innovative solutions for our customers, from new equipment to large, complex full-scope engineering and construction projects.

Modifying, improving and maintaining existing equipment are vital considerations for the long-term viability and profitability of all operations.

An extensive network of worldwide regional service centers, field service engineers and technical support personnel are available to provide the customized service and aftermarket solutions for your requirements.

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