Welcome to the final part of the Stardew Valley guide to the Community Centre! The first four parts covered the Crafts Room, the Pantry, the Fish Tank, and the Bulletin Board bundles. To wrap things up we’ll be tackling the Boiler Room, the Vault, and what happens after it’s all said and done! As always, make sure to check out the other parts if you haven’t already.
The Boiler Room opens up after any two bundles are completed, regardless of which room they’re in. The first three rooms follow a skill theme, and the Boiler Room is only marginally different; the items needed come from two skills here, namely Mining and Combat; admittedly, Combat is a bit harder to make an entire room of bundles out of though! With very few exceptions, everything you’ll be needing for this room can be found in the Mines .
If you’re playing with Remixed bundles enabled, you’ll get three random bundles from the five listed below. All bundles are the same whenever they show up, with the very small exception of the Adventurer’s Bundle.
Adventurer’s Bundle Classic and Remixed — 2/4 items needed
If you’re playing with Remixed bundles then four items will be chosen at random for you to potentially donate.
Blacksmith’s Bundle Classic and Remixed — 3/3 items needed
A straightforward bundle, although one that will take a little time and work.
Engineer’s Bundle Remixed only — 3/3 items needed
If you get this bundle then you’ll almost certainly have to wait until Summer to finish it.
Geologist’s Bundle Classic and Remixed — 4/4 items needed
All of the minerals needed for this bundle can be found just sitting on the floor inside the Mines .
Treasure Hunter’s Bundle Remixed only — 5/6 items needed
Precious jewels are the name of the game here! All gems have their own distinct nodes that they can be mined from. There is also a generic purple “gem node” that may drop anything the game sees as a “gem”; these appear as a smooth, dark purple stone.
To complete this bundle, just throw the first five gems that you find in! If you happen to have all six, then keep the diamond for yourself, since it’s worth more.
With just three bundles, the Boiler Room is complete! Your reward is access to the minecart system, an incredibly useful set of fast-travel points that can zip you around town faster than hoofing it can do.
It’s very easy to imagine what the Vault requires. What else would you put in a safe? To that end, I won’t be going into details of each bundle here, since hopefully you have some idea of how to make some money by this stage! The Vault is the last room to open up for donations, after you have completed any four other bundles.
There are four Vault bundles:
Completing all of the bundles will set you back a total of 42,500g.
Once your wallet is empty, the Junimos will repair the bus at the Bus Stop, allowing you to buy tickets to the Desert. Neat! That should stop Mayor Lewis’ excuses of the town coffers not having the funds…
We even cleared out that "rat problem" that Lewis mentioned.
Hey look at that, good job farmer! With every bundle filled, done, and dusted, the Junimos repair the Community Centre all the way back to a fully-finished state. Next time you enter town on a non-rainy, non-festival day, you’ll get a cutscene of the villagers enjoying the building, and JojaMart will — one way or another — be run out of town. You’re done, enjoy!
But wait, there’s more…
The Missing Bundle Classic and Remixed — 5/6 items needed
After JojaMart closes down, the next rainy day will give you a cutscene showing the run-down building’s door breaking open. You can then get back in, and find a lost Junimo who wants more items! These ones are the rarest of the lot, so strap yourself in.
I would recommend NOT using the Prismatic Shard for this bundle, unless you have a godly amount of luck and a stack of 10 or more; the shards are both very rare and highly useful, even more so in version 1.5.
With the final (for real this time) bundle completed, you are told “something good will happen”. Well, that’s a little cryptic eh? However, if you go back to the old JojaMart anytime after sleeping you’ll find a movie theatre in its place, which you can visit once a week. Cool! If you bring a villager along then you have the potential to gain large amounts of friendship points with them too.
With that, the Community Centre (and bonus Movie Theatre) guide is complete! It’s been a bit of an undertaking, but hopefully you found useful information in one part or another — or in multiple! As always, let me know if this helped you, and good luck with all your farming endeavours in the world of Stardew Valley!
Will always jump into a game on the hardest difficulty and get absolutely wrecked. Obviously, it’s never his fault.