PlayStation Is Winning Me Back, Only In Reverse Order

2022-09-09 22:42:23 By : Mr. Tony Lin

PS4 is the new PS5, sort of.

As a proven original property that’s now sold over 20 million copies, and a bona fide PlayStation classic that’s spawned an (allegedly) brilliant sequel, Horizon Zero Dawn certainly doesn’t have much left to prove. I completely missed out on the corrupted robotic action adventure when Guerrilla Games’ new post-apocalyptic IP launched back in early 2017, and if I’m being completely honest, it was because, well, I had next to no interest.

At that time, the creeping truth was difficult for me to accept: As a longtime PlayStation fan, as someone who started playing Sony’s pioneering 32-bit gaming console back in 1995 with nigh rabid enthusiasm, the company’s first-party offerings had become practically unrecognizable to me. Gone were the quirky, risky, hyper-creative projects of the mid to late nineties. In their place sat cinematic, sprawling, colossal-budget titles that felt more like movies than games.

What’s interesting is that I can remember when the medium started to move into this filmic space, maybe somewhere around 1998 with releases like Metal Gear Solid. And here’s the kicker: I loved it! I thought games were finally maturing beyond cute 3D platformers and kart racers.

Forget anthropomorphic animal heroes. Give me grit, give me story, give me drama — give me Psycho Mantis and controller port 2. We’re adults now, man. I want my video game characters to curse and cry and feel bad about things. Sure, certain RPGs had already started dipping their toes into the mature-rated waters, but this was different.

Almost overnight, games were suddenly serious, and PlayStation was leading the way. Not like, you know, Mortal Kombat sort of serious, but rather Silent Hill levels of serious. I blame Konami for some of this mess, but blame is probably not the right word, because a lot of good has come from the industry’s evolution. Isn’t that strange, though: We didn’t want to escape from the real world anymore, but rather extend it into our hobby.

Fast forward 15 or so years, and I wanted nothing to do with this shiny new (and totally better, of course!) take on interactive experiences. I’d reversed my taste — I now wanted less cinema in my games and more distilled gameplay. Less boring conversation and more strategy, more action, and to those lamented 3D platformers’ credit, more jumping. A sort of return to form, as it were.

To my credit though, I did play through The Last of Us, and I’ll be honest, I really enjoyed it. The Uncharted games were great, too, but by the time Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End had shown up, the burnout and apathy toward polished narrative walking simulators had started to set in. Case in point: I started 2018’s God of War, played it for a few hours, then unceremoniously gave it up entirely. The last first-party published game I played and thoroughly enjoyed was Concrete Genie.

Sony’s new favorite third-person story formula was, for me, wearing thin, and the company (alongside many other eager publishers and developers, mind you) didn’t appear to have any qualms with releasing endless droves of AAA games that fit this chatty, high production value, cutscene-heavy bill. Risk-taking seemed to fall by the wayside in favor of giving the masses what they wanted.

I suppose I harbored a bit of annoying gamer resentment toward Sony for dismantling and reassembling the heady, punk rock PlayStation I so fondly remembered. The ingredients had shifted, and so had the goals of developers and publishers. David Jaffe, creator of Twisted Metal and God of War, touches on some of this on his YouTube channel:

I cut my teeth on the likes of PaRappa the Rapper, Ape Escape, the aforementioned Twisted Metal, MediEvil, Running Wild and even stranger titles like Artdink’s Tail of the Sun. These were imaginative, risky games, the likes of which are only found in the indie space today. Were they better than what Sony was putting out as I shied away during the 2010s? The answer to that is entirely subjective, I suppose. The current crop of Sony software absolutely makes more money, but also costs way more to create.

What I do know is that Jaffe, alongside many other talented developers, producers, artists and marketers, arguably help build the rebellious PlayStation that I grew up loving. I’ve actually interviewed several of individuals who were around at that time, like Rally Cross producer Ken George, who in our October 2017 Retro Magazine chat stated:

“It was a really great time to be in games, especially where we were at [Sony]. I don’t think Rally Cross could have been done at another publisher. We worked long hours and nobody really cared. We just loved it. And we made something pretty cool.”

That quote isn’t for the six of you who actually remember Rally Cross on the PS1, but rather to illustrate that Sony, both as a developer and a publisher, has changed dramatically since the mid to late ‘90s, and even the early 2000s with the PS2. And what I’ve found out recently is that the modern PlayStation experience is good in its own Hollywood sort of way.

You can imagine how, to my surprise, that my rediscovery of Sony first-party greatness occurred via my trusty PS4 Pro. Yes, you read that correctly: I’ve been gaming on old hardware lately, downright prehistoric by today’s lofty standards.

My aged PS4 Pro spits dust like Billy Butcherson from Hocus Pocus and, when the graphics really get going, sounds like a doomed airliner on its last working engine. Retro revelation can be loud, but it’s a price I’m willing to pay, and I’ve been paying it for around 25 hours in Horizon Zero Dawn. Happily, I might add.

Even on a PS4 Pro, running at a paltry 30fps, the game admittedly looks stunning, gorgeous in its sheer scope. Despite viewing through a 2022 lens, the flora and robo-fauna of Aloy’s world are breathtaking, each organism sporting a certain realistic weight that makes everything I encounter both beautiful and terrifying. Small touches, like fish swimming lazily in rivers and dragonflies catching the breeze, make me feel right at home. That, and very uneasy, because when disturbed, Horizon’s enemies are downright scary.

Then there’s the music, a soundscape virtually perfect in its tasteful execution. I love the chanting, eerie ambience of the bizarre world, and each percussive battle soundtrack heightens my pulse like no other. Humorously, I’ve audibly said ‘Oh no’ more than once when a Bellowback reared its beastly head and spotted me. That’s a testament to both the ambitious sound design and the excellent animation work. Fights in Horizon Zero Dawn are wildly stressful, and that’s an entirely good thing.

Sure, the controls are a bit sluggish for my liking and some of the voice-acting can come across as stilted and self-indulgent (drunk Erend was notably unconvincing). The healing system is also a bit uncouth, and sometimes map traversal can feel tedious, especially early on before you can acquire the more efficient Golden Fast Travel Pack. Plus, foundationally, there isn’t much new here in terms of how open world games operate.

My Forbes colleagues said about as much when the game released, but I don’t hold these drawbacks in contempt. I’m arriving late to the Horizon party, and I’m sure improvements were made in the sequel, so historical context needs to be taken into account. Additionally, this was Guerrilla’s first open world game, so there’s that to consider.

There you have it — I’ve given PlayStation another chance. My immature grumbling toward Sony is gone, replaced by a genuine appreciation of PlayStation’s chosen lane and artform. People change, gamers change, companies change, and we might do well to celebrate that fact and adapt. I’m a different gamer than I was back in 2017, a different person entirely, actually. Go back further to 1995 and the comparison is even more profound.

Will we ever get precarious first-party offerings again like Jumping Flash!, Jet Moto and Tobal No. 1? Probably not, but I’m realizing that this is okay. Now it’s time to explore the PlayStation gems I missed, like God of War 2018, The Frozen Wilds DLC, Death Stranding and Ghost of Tsushima, and prepare for what’s to come, like the possibly delayed God of War Ragnarök.

Finding a PS5 console to accomplish this, however, remains another story altogether.