Testing of ESP and FGD systems in progress at TSTPP of NTPC at Ramagundam.
The 2×800 megawatt first stage of Telangana Super Thermal Power Project of NTPC at Ramagundam is in advanced stages of completion with plans to commission the units by the end of current financial year running as per schedule.
Being established as per the provisions of the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2014, the 5×800 MW super critical thermal power plant is mandated to supply 85% of the energy generated there to Telangana. The Telangana Government has made a formal request to the NTPC and Ministry of Power to allocate 100% of power generated there to it to meet the increasing demand for energy in the State, but a decision is yet to be taken on it.
According to NTPC-Ramagundam authorities, combined steam blowing of main steam and cold re-heat steam lines on lines of the first unit was commenced on August 31 and the process of blowing was in progress. The non-drainable portion hydro test pertaining to the second unit boiler was completed successfully recently and the processes for boiler light-up were in progress.
Ash handling transformers of the first two units were charged and the trial run of pump was in progress and a majority of the piping works were completed and work on slurry disposal pipelines was also nearing completion. The erection of coal handling plant (CHP) reclaim path conveyors was completed and the belt trials were lined up for this month.
The electrostatic precipitator and flu gas de-sulphurisation systems, which play a key role in reducing the carbon footprint of the project, were in the testing and commissioning stages. Besides, water system and the gas insulated sub-station (GIS) switchyard works were also completed already.
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Printable version | Sep 3, 2022 9:05:05 am | https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/telangana/2%C3%97800-mw-1st-stage-of-ntpc-tstpp-in-advance-stages-of-completion/article65840084.ece