Written by Editorial Team | Updated : July 15, 2022 5:31 PM IST
Children are immunologically fit and happy during the long summer vacations, when they are completely relaxed at home, sleeping well, eating well, playing a lot, being physically very active, completely cocooned at home, and thus not exposed to any infections. The only inconvenience is the extreme heat, which may be a blessing in disguise for not traveling and becoming ill. Another factor is the COVID scare.
Mid-June has arrived. The monsoon begins, schools reopen, the little one has to get up early in the morning to go to school, very little time to eat breakfast, and if the little one is a preschooler, the severe tension of going to school. These numerous factors reduce the child's body resistance.
The four major causes of monsoon problems are bad air, bad food, bad water, and mosquitoes and flies. Also Read Be Cautious! Lack Of Exercise Can Up Disease Risk For TeenagersTyphoid Cases On The Rise In Telangana: Health Officials Blame ‘Pani Puri’Monsoon Health Hazards: Ayurvedic Solution To Diseases That Come Along With The Rains More News
During the monsoon season, the air is cold and damp, with humidity levels exceeding 100 per cent. Inhaling this air is hazardous to children. Adenoids and tonsils are lymphatic tissues found in the nose and throat of children under the age of six. Because of the cold, damp air, these tissues swell and obstruct the breathing passages. This causes severe snoring and disrupted sleep at night. If the child is exposed to a virus or bacteria, he will get a cold and cough, which could progress to sinusitis and pneumonia. Because the majority of mothers work and are unable to take unplanned leave, if the child becomes ill, the mother will administer Crocin and send the child to school. Due to the crowded classrooms, the infection will spread to all of the students.
In the rainy season, eating street food is extremely dangerous due to flies. In damp conditions, cakes, bread, and sweets quickly develop fungus.
During the monsoon season, water problems are at their peak. Water clogging in cities caused by heavy rains causes drainage water to overflow and mix with drinking water. This causes gastroenteritis, cholera, and jaundice epidemics. Mosquitoes can breed as a result of water collection and clogging. Heavy rain can sometimes bring snakes and scorpions out of their burrows in the outskirts and villages.
Finally, mosquitoes are the most dangerous. Mosquitoes are classified into two types. The anopheles and Culex mosquitos bite at night, causing malaria, filariasis, chikungunya, and encephalitis (brain fever), while the aedes aegypti mosquito bites during the day, causing the dreaded Dengue fever.
The following are the precautions that mothers should take to protect their children from monsoon diseases:
The article is contributed by Dr. D. Ramesh, Head of The Department & Senior Consultant - Dept. of Paediatrics & Neonatology, Yashoda Hospitals Hyderabad.
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