While us Marvel fans are enjoying the content on Disney Plus, there is another Marvel TV universe that was both satisfying and unfinished. We all remember the Netflix Defenders universe, which started in 2015 with Daredevil. This spawned Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, and The Punisher. All shows were great and connected with each other – creating a world rivaling the movie MCU. And just like that, every show was cut off prematurely.
Especially Luke Cage, which ended its second season on a huge cliffhanger. We all were confident we were getting a third season. The Netflix universe was going strong and Luke Cage was so well-received, the first season literally broke Netflix. Then the streaming service cancelled it, leaving fans with unanswered questions. And now we don’t know if we’ll ever get a resolution.
Mike Colter, who played the titular character; opened up about the cancellation and where season three could have gone.
“There were so many places we could have taken it. There’s obviously the Alias series where Jessica and Luke had a child and had this adult life they were trying to live, and there’s this moment where they are working out their blue collar, making ends meet life together, which is very interesting. There’s the journey that Luke had in his own series with Harlem’s Paradise, where he’s taken over the club, and is he gonna be a bad guy or a guy that is on the other side of the law, and who’s gonna stop him. That was another interesting thing to watch, with him maybe being a little gangster, and that would’ve been cool too.”
“It’s like a relationship or anything else that never reached its peak or it’s descent. You don’t have any negative memories of it because it will live in this place of perfection, or some sense of promise, at all times in our life. It’s a fond, romanticized notion of what could have been.”
Would you have liked more Luke Cage? Let us know!
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A girl with too many fandoms to count.
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